Chris Yerinides & the Rough Edges keep the hard rock and grunge flames alive when heavy guitars and loud vocals somehow struggle to be heard. Just as the 90s Seattle grunge movement was a response to the superficial culture of the decade prior, the Rough Edges challenge the status-quo by offering an in-your-face alternative through heavy rock riffs, delicate instrumental moments, and introspective lyrics. But don't mistake them for a nostalgic throwback - this band is all about pushing boundaries and staying on the cutting edge. With each new release, they continue to evolve their sound, experimenting with different sonic textures and pushing themselves to new levels of intensity. Often placed among contemporaries such as Superbloom, Spiral Drive, and Honeycub, the Rough Edges offer up a refreshing take on melancholy and angst. Whether you're a die-hard grunge fan or simply appreciate the raw, authentic energy of rock music, the Rough Edges are a modern act that fill the void.

Points in Parallel

The latest record, and intensely focused on raw, unadulterated sounds reminiscent of the early ‘90s.


What started it all, this compilation record features the current Rough Edges lineup, and various other local musicians.

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